News & Events

Keep up-to-date with our latest news, together with details of forthcoming events

Auspack 2017 – Stand 450

Auspack 2017 – Stand 450

AutoCoding Systems Ltd, specialist in packaging line automation, will be demonstrating their world class code assurance and packaging verification solution at this year’s Auspack exhibition - Stand 450. As well as avoiding the risk of product recalls due to coding or...

Engineering Qualifications Achieved

Engineering Qualifications Achieved

Four apprentice engineers at AutoCoding Systems have all recently completed a two year day release course which has resulted in them attaining a BTEC Level 3 Diploma and NVQ Extended Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Lewis Brailsford, Matthew Hughes,...

Smart Solutions from AutoCoding Systems

Smart Solutions from AutoCoding Systems

AutoCoding Systems has recognised that there is a growing requirement to communicate with and collect data from a wide range of devices, as well as interface to various business information systems to enable factories to work smarter. As a global provider of...

ACS and insignia Share Joint Success at FoodTech QLD

ACS and insignia Share Joint Success at FoodTech QLD

AutoCoding Systems have recently exhibited at the recent FoodTech Queensland show, sharing a stand with coding and labelling experts and Domino distributor, insignia. The company were demonstrating their coding and packaging verification solution which eliminates the...

Managing Data in Connected Devices

Managing Data in Connected Devices

The IoT (Internet of Things) movement is rooted in the large scale availability of technology, and taking advantage of the massive advances that have taken place over the last few years to meet the demands of the internet. What’s happened is that everything has just...

Introducing AutoCoding Systems Pty

Introducing AutoCoding Systems Pty

We are delighted to announce that our packaging line automation and control solutions are now available through AutoCoding Systems Pty. Building on our extensive experience in the food and beverage sector in the UK, we have already made our debut into the Australian...

See how AutoCoding Systems can help your company!