Leading indicators generally help to identify trends and patterns that may indicate the likelihood of future events. They can usually be influenced by internal initiatives and can be measured and monitored on an ongoing basis.
Examples of leading indicators | Areas | How it’s captured on an AutoCoding system solution | What’s measured? | Related modules |
The number of internal audit checks and non-compliance closures completed against schedule | Process audits | Automated questions, capturing answers and corrective actions from the HMI terminal at set time intervals. | Recording of qualitative and quantitative data, follow-up action and photographic evidence. | Paperless Quality
The number of internal audit checks and non-compliance closures completed against schedule | Asset audits | Readings from line devices can be taken on a scheduled basis against parameters and controls | Number of device readings e.g., from gas analysers, checkweighers, metal detectors, etc. | Paperless Quality |
The number of internal audit checks and non-compliance closures completed against schedule | Product audits / inspections | Packaging can be photographed during production for digital reference. | Images of packaging artwork samples against time stamp. | Paperless Quality |
The number of non-compliances per area | Allergy-related | Detects the presence of allergen labelling, using OCR or print inspection recognition. | Poor read or wrong read indicating non-compliance of packaging due to incorrect allergy labelling. | Automatic print inspection |
The number of non-compliances per area | Packaging and labelling | Vision applications continuously inspect the primary and secondary packaging inline. | Poor read or wrong read indicating packaging non-compliance and products being rejected due to incorrect 1D/2D barcodes, packaging artwork and date codes.
The number of non-compliances per area | Case packing | Vision applications continuously inspects the case packaging inline. | Poor read or wrong read indicating packaging non-compliance due to damaged packaging.
Case inspection solution |
The number of non-compliances per area | Contamination / weight | Data readings from line devices can be automatically fed live into the AutoCoding database. | Identifies the number of non-conforming rejects from device readings, e.g. checkweighers, metal detectors, etc. | Inspection reporting |
The number of non-compliances per area | Availability | Scheduled maintenance of line equipment can be recorded in job setup. | Records length and incidence of downtime and reasons for exceeding scheduled maintenance. | Line performance reporting |
Downtime versus uptime | Performance | Production schedules are configured at job set up, with downtime and reasons for downtime recorded per line | Measures the total number of units produced, establishing net run time and target run time. The system calculates performance as a percentage on a live dashboard.
Line performance reporting |
Please contact us to find out more about how we can help you with your data acquisition needs.
AutoCoding Systems Ltd is part of the JBT Corporation family, a leading global technology solutions provider to high-value segments of the food processing industry, committed to providing a service that surpasses customer expectations.