The AutoCoding solution automates the set-up of packaging line devices to avoid coding errors and, with the use of barcode scanning, verifies that the packaging is always correct for all products.

Avoiding errors
Our solutions will help you avoid coding and packaging errors, reduce the manual checks on your packaging line and improve the performance of your packaging line equipment.

International Network
AutoCoding Systems in the UK, US and Australia works in conjunction with an international network of system integrators and OEMS to help companies, like yours, meet the challenges of producing high quality goods accurately, efficiently and cost effectively.

Proven Systems
With AutoCoding solutions already installed on around 2000 lines worldwide, our systems have been proven to be robust, reliable and functional.
Seamless integration
We specialise in the integration of packaging line devices and since 2005 we have concentrated all our efforts in this area of the factory. We’ve now established ourselves as the industry leader in packaging line automation solutions, understanding the complexities of packaging line processes. Watch the video to understand how AutoCoding can help your business.

“We are very happy with the detailed design and seamless implementation of the AutoCoding system. This solution has provided immediate benefits and we can see that the future expansion capability of the system will be a benefit to our business.”